Google Local Services Ads Nationwide Expansion

Google recently expanded Local Services ads nationwide (United States) for 14 verticals:

Appliance Repair
Carpet Cleaning
Garage Door
House Cleaning
Lawn Care
Pest Control
Water Damage Restoration
Window Cleaning

There are likely some holes here and there for some cities and zip codes but for the most part, any businesses in these verticals can sign up for Local Services ads in the United States.

Plumbers in Sandwich, IL

You’re Not Going to See the Ads Everywhere

This is different than when Google would launch Local Services ads in a new market in the past. Typically, you could start seeing the “ads” even if advertisers weren’t in place yet so only free listings were present. For many of these new areas, there will need to be at least 3 participants targeting the area for the Local Services ad unit to appear. For example, a search for [plumber coolidge ks] may not trigger the Local Services unit because there aren’t 3 plumbers participating in LSA that serve that area. But if 3 participants do target that area in the future, Local Services ads will appear for that search query.

The Impact of Businesses Already in LSA

Businesses that are already in Local Services need to be aware of this change too. The service area they indicated in their Local Services dashboard may not be fully representative of their actual service area. Depending on where they’re located and where they serve, some areas may not have been available to target when they initially set up their LSA listing. These businesses should revisit the service area section of their dashboard since they may now be able to target additional areas they serve that weren’t available to them before.

More Geographical Expansion for Google Local Services Ads

Going nationwide with so many categories is another indication that Google is continuing to push forward with its expansion of Local Services ads. Expect more additions in the coming months.